NAME_____________________________________  CLASS_______


7th Grade Social Studies Homework Assignments

Due Friday, September 29, 2006


I.  Making an Iroquois Village

Answer the prompts below in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1.  Name two natural resources that the Iroquois used to make their villages.

2.  Name one way the Iroquois adapted their environment to meet their needs.  (This is known as the geographic theme of Interaction.)


II.  An Iroquois Village


Using the image on the previous page (above), answer the questions below in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1.  What name is given to the structures inside the village where the Iroquois lived?

2.  What was the purpose of the clearing?

3.  It is said that the Iroquois depended on nature to meet their basic needs.  Why is this true?


III.  Haudenosaunee Tree of Peace

Answer the questions below in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1.  What is buried under the tree?

2.  Where can good people take shelter?

3.  Why is a tree a good symbol for peace?