NAME_____________________________________  CLASS_______


8th Grade Social Studies Homework Assignments

Due Friday, February 16, 2007


I. Duke Ellington - Reading


II.  Duke Ellington - Questions

III.  Poetry of the Harlem Renaissance


Jacobia Hotel, by William H. Johnson

One of America's most powerful African American painters, William H. Johnson (1901–1970) developed his talent along a path that took him from the southern United States to New York to Europe and back again. Born in Florence, South Carolina, he left the rural south when he was seventeen and moved to Harlem. Work as a hotel porter, short-order cook, and dockworker allowed him to save enough money to enter the art school of the National Academy of Design.


Writing Prompt – To the right is his painting, Jacobia Hotel.  Write a reflection about what you see in this painting.  Why might have Johnson chosen this subject?  What do you think he was trying to say?

IV.  Visual Arts