NAME_____________________________________  CLASS_______


8th Grade Social Studies Homework Assignments

Due Friday, NOVember 3, 2006


I.  Begin reviewing for your Civil War Unit Test

It is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8th.  It is the last test before Parent/Teacher Conferences.  It will cover Chapter 17 in your textbook, pages 404-429.  Use the questions below to help you study.


II.  Test Review – Part 1

DIRECTIONS:  Use your textbook (pages 404-429), homework, and other handouts to answer the following questions.  Number a sheet of loose-leaf paper 1-10, and write the letter of the correct answer next to the number of the question.


1.  The Republican Party was formed to

A. destroy the reputation of Democrats in the Senate

B. to block slavery's expansion in the West

C prevent a civil war.

D. give western lands to settlers free of charge


2.  The Republican Party was formed in

A. 1776

B. 1854

C. 1492

D. 1970


3.  Representative Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner in the head with a gold-topped cane until he was unconscious, because

A. he did not want to resign without a fight

B. Senator Sumner killed his relative

C. he objected to slavery in the Massachusetts territory

D. Senator Sumner harshly criticized pro-slavery Senator Andrew Butler


4.  The South feared that the actions of John Brown would inspire ___ among slaves.

A. song

B. elections

C. debates

D. rebellions


5.  Which state was the first to secede from the Union?

A. Mississippi

B. Missouri

C. New Jersey

D. South Carolina


6.  What were the border states?

A. four slave states located between the Union and the Confederacy that stayed in the Union during the Civil War

B. the states that insisted on having slavery within their borders

C. states that were situated on one of the coastal areas of the United States

D. the states that border Missouri


7.  For Southerners, the primary aim of the Civil War was

A. to preserve their way of life, which included slavery

B. to take control of the Mississippi River

C. to open up trade with Europe

D. to reunite the Union and the Confederacy


8.  Why was Lincoln's naval blockade of Southern ports important?

A. It prevented the South from exporting and importing goods and supplies.

B. It made Northern ports vulnerable to attack.

C. It tied up Confederate ships.

D. It forced the Confederate armies to surrender.


9.  An important Union strategy for winning the war was the plan to

A. capture plantation owners

B. take over the exportation of cotton

C. draft slaves into the army

D. gain control of the Mississippi River

10.  The First Battle of Bull Run was significant because

A. it took place on Union soil

B. the Southern victory was shocking and unexpected

C. it showed that the war would be shorter than expected

D. the Northern victory struck a blow to the South


III.  Test Review – Part 2

DIRECTIONS:  Use your textbook (pages 404-429), homework, and other handouts to answer the following questions.  Number a sheet of loose-leaf paper 11-15, and write the letter of the correct answer next to the number of the question.


11.  Gaining control of the Mississippi River was important for the Union army because

A. it would mean that the North won the war

B. it would give the Union control of New Orleans

C. it would split the Confederacy in two

D. marked a new age in naval warfare


12.  The single bloodiest day of the Civil War was the Battle of

A. Shiloh

B. Chancellorsville

C. Antietam

D. Atlanta


13.  How did Lincoln plan to prevent secession?

A. He promised to uphold the right to slavery in the South.

B. He threatened to drive the states out of the Union.

C. He vowed to hold federal property in the South and enforce the laws of the United States.

D. He threatened to abolish slavery in states that seceded.


14.  Who was chosen to be president of the Confederate States of America?

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. Abraham Lincoln

C. Jefferson Davis

D. Stephen A. Douglas


15.  How did the Civil War begin?

A.  U.S. forces shot President Davis.

B.  Confederate forces shot President Lincoln.

C.  U.S. forces attacked Fort Sumter.

D.  Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter.


IV.  Test Review – Part 3

DIRECTIONS:  Use your textbook (pages 404-429), homework, and other handouts to answer the following questions.  Number a sheet of loose-leaf paper 16-22, and write the word true or the word false next to the number of the statement to indicate whether it is true or false.


16.  During his campaign for presidency in 1860, Lincoln assured Southerners that he would not interfere with slavery in the South.

17.  Abraham Lincoln was the president when the southern states began to secede.

18.  Unlike Buchanan, President Lincoln believed that the President had the power to stop states from leaving the Union.

19.  The Confederacy sent troops to seize the federal post offices and forts in their territory.

20.  When the Confederacy demanded the surrender of Fort Sumter, Major Robert Anderson surrendered with a nearly full stash of unused ammunition.

21.  The Civil War began when, on April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter.

22.  The Confederacy won the Civil War.