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Class Rules, Procedures, and Grading Policy

rules | procedures | grading policy

Ms. Tennant's Classroom Rules

Rules are intended to keep the learning environment safe and free from distractions. I only have six rules.

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

3. Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to move.

4. Do not touch anyone else with your hands, your feet, or any object.

5. No cursing, teasing, or offensive language.

6. Take care of class materials.


Class Procedures

Daily Action Lists

When you enter the classroom -
1. Walk quietly and directly to your assigned seat.
2. Open your social studies notebook to the next clean page or open your binder to the next clean page in your social studies section.
3. Prepare your page by writing the heading and the aim question.
4. Read the do now and then do it. Do not copy it unless instructed to do so.
5. If you finish these steps before the timer goes off, you may begin the assigned exercises on the lesson posted, or you may work on the homework page for that week.

During the mini-lesson -
1. Have your pencil or pen in your hand, ready to write down notes about the information or instruction being given.
2. Listen silently while Ms. Tennant gives the lesson and take notes about what you learn.
3. Copy what is on the board when you can. Wait until your view is clear as Ms. Tennant moves around the room.
4. Do not interrupt other student or Ms. Tennant during the lesson for any reason.
5. If there is discussion during the lesson, LISTEN to your classmates' contributions.
6. If you would like to add to the discussion, raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
7. You are responsible and will be held accountable for the content of the lesson.

I'm finished during group work time, what do I do?
1. Put you completed work aside, but do not close your notebook. Ms. Tennant may want to see it.
2. Help other members of your group with the assignment.
3. When everybody in your group has completed the group assignment -
a. Check each other's work and correct it.
b. Begin independent work time alternatives (see below).

I'm finished during independent work time, what do I do?
1. Put you completed work aside, but do not close your notebook. Ms. Tennant may want to see it.
2. Work on your homework sheet for that week.
3. Work on your independent portfolio projects.
4. Quietly walk to the library, select a book for a book report, return to your seat and read independently. Make sure you check the book out at the end of class.

At the end of class -
1. Ms. Tennant will dismiss you. You may not leave the classroom without a pass before you have been dismissed.
2. Do not leave your work, your notebook, any garbage, or handouts for the day in the desks. Take these things with you, turn them into the white bin, or throw them in the trash at the end of class. You are responsible for keeping your desk clean.

General Procedures and Expectations

Come to class prepared with a pencil, a pen, your notebook (or loose-leaf paper with a binder), and any completed assignments due.

Enter the classroom quietly and go directly to your assigned seat.

When you are late, you must have a late pass from a teacher, counselor, or principal. Enter the classroom quietly and go directly to your assigned seat.

Passes will not be given in the first fifteen minutes or the last five minutes of the class period.

Passes will not be given during first, fourth, sixth, or eighth periods.

Only one person should speak at a time. When we all talk at once, it is impossible to hear anyone. Listening is an important skill in this class.

Always respect whoever is speaking by looking at them as you listen to what they say.

If you need to sharpen your pencil, you should use your spare pencil or pen until group work time. During group work time, you may quickly use my sharpener. It is on my desk.

If you have come unprepared with materials, there are usually a few pens or pencils in the flower can on my desk. You may use them, but please return them in good condition to the flower can at the end of class.

I do not always have loose-leaf paper, and so please make sure you bring paper or a notebook dedicated to social studies every class. Let me know if you need paper during the do-now, and I will see how we can help you.

All assignments will be turned in to the white bin at the end of class on your way out, unless I send a monitor with the bin or I pick up the assignments myself earlier in the period.

If you need help from me during the do-now, group work, or independent work times, please tip your book on its end, and I will come to you when I have finished with students who have come before you.

Sometimes I will need to stop you during group work. When I raise my hand, please stop what you are doing, sit quietly, and be ready for instruction. I will have something to say.

When we have visitors to the class, I expect you to continue working quietly unless I seek your attention by raising my hand.

When the phone rings, you should continue working or listening to the lesson. I am the only one allowed to use a school phone.

Assigned seats may change during the year. If this should happen, you should move quickly and quietly to your new seat.

If an alarm is sounded, stay seated unless you are a monitor. Monitors must quickly go into the hall and prepare for lining up. When I instruct the class to move, you must do so quietly and orderly. Line up in two lines behind your monitors. I will tell you where you need to go. Listen closely even as you are walking.

You must keep your desk, textbooks (in class and at home), and notebook in excellent condition. Take pride in your learning space; it is a reflection of you. Others will use the classroom materials after you. Please respect their right to have materials that are in good condition.

Notebooks will be collected at least once a month on a rotating basis. Make sure yours reflects your best work.

Two monitors will be chosen each month from each class to serve as line leaders and classroom assistants.

At the end of class, I will dismiss you. You may not rise from your seat at the end of class until I have dismissed you.

If you need extra help in social studies, please write me a note telling me about it. I will come to you as soon as I can to set up a time when I can give you more help.

Progress reports are given once a month by the school. I grade strictly by the grading policy below.

This means that, for example, if you are doing no homework, you cannot score higher than a 75% in your raw score for the class, even if you get 100% on everything else. This translates to a "2" on your report card. It is a real shame, but these are the consequences for choosing not to do 25% of the work. This is just an example.

Click here to see my detailed homework procedures and policies.

Grading Policy

In order to track students' progress and communicate this progress with parents/guardians, I submit grades on a regular basis. Progress reports go out once a month except in the months when report cards are issued. Report cards are distributed once per school semester. Please refer to the school calendar for details.

Below, you will find the weight each type of assignment has in determining a student's grade. Students and parents would benefit from understanding the meaning of these numbers. Click here to see the situation that I have described above as an example. A student's grade should never be a surprise to him or her.

* Assessments include, but are not limited to, tests, quizzes, exams, group projects,
notebook examination, portfolio assignments, essays, and individual projects.

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